Here is a SPECIAL MESSAGE TO SENIOR SCOUTs (defined as at least 14 and Star Scout) from Mr. Kiel:
You have been invited to a Knife Forging Event (blacksmith 101 with I’ve Been Working on the Railroad sung in the background).
Date : Friday March 13 (just a coincidence - I hope, don't bring hockey masks)
Time: 6PM to 8PM
Location: Cooper Estates Boat Landing and temporary forge (at the foot of Cottingham Dr, inside the gate)
Discussion: We’ll be taking railroad spikes and forging them into knives.

Materials are provided. Closed toe shoes and long sleeve shirt are a must and will be worn when working with the metal, I have some but not enough for all, bring your own if possible. Bring your muscles, this activity does require a lot of hammer swinging.
Supper to be provided (hotdogs, chips, drinks, etc..) Cost: $3 for food only!RSVP (a French term for “let me know if your going to come so I can make sure I have all the stuff we need) to Mr.Kiel 884-6979 or
PS: Senior SENIOR scouts (adults) are very welcome.
That's a nice message from Mr. Kiel I hope you Senior scouts take advantage of it... I didn't know that Mr. Kiel was French.
Our cycling event will be Saturday, 14 March at
Botany Bay Plantation Wildlife Management Area on Edisto Island. We will be cycling a 25 mile course. See if you can remove the Maillot Jaune (Yellow Jersey) from the scoutmaster...More details at this Monday's troop meeting.