Wednesday, June 24, 2009

July Family Camp Out at Pisgah Forest!!!

Parents and Scouts,

Its time for Troop 20's Annual family camp out... lets head for the mountain's it's a lot cooler there.

The camp out will be held at Cove Creek campground in the Pisgah National Forest near Brevard, North Carolina July 17,18,19,(Friday to Sunday) It is about a 4 hour drive from Charleston. Assistant Scoutmaster Ando, Campmaster, will be leaving early on Friday. Families may travel at their leisure.

Family's will arrive Friday night set up and the Troop will provide dinner. Saturday, family time…choose any activities you desire… Sliding Rock is not far, DuPont State forest has some easy hiking and 5 or 6 beautiful water falls along the hike, There is fishing right in the park, And tubes can be rented near by from what Mr. Ando has heard, This is a beautiful area with plenty of activities. If anyone has any other activities they know of please feel free to contribute your Information to ASM Ando.

Also available to Scouts who choose to work on their Forester MB…ASM Ando has set up a 2 hour class at The Cradle of Forestry for them. Parents are welcome to join if they choose. This class will cover about 90% of what the boy's will need to complete Forester MB. Saturday night troop will provide dinner. Sunday morning clean up, then stay, play, or go away, it's up to you.

The cost of the camp out will depend on the # of people attending, we are planning on somewhere between $25 and $30 per person this will cover camp ground and Friday/Saturday night's dinner.

Sign begins Monday June 29 at the Scout Hut. Fee's will need to be paid NLT (no later than) Monday July 6th, We will send out an email with the cost after next Monday’s troop meeting. If you have further questions you may email ASM Ando at or call him at 270-9403.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Merit Badge Counselors Wanted!!!

Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) training will be held on 03 August at 7 PM. The course will be taught on the second floor of the Seabrook Building at Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church by longtime Troop 20 Scouter Dr. Al Aiken.Click here for all the details on MBCs...

Parents, this is an excellent way to become involved in the Boy Scout experience of the scouts of Troop 20. It offers them more experience with other adults besides their parents and troop leaders. Advancement beyond the rank of First Class depends heavily upon the completion of merit badge requirements. Upon completion of this course you will be certified as a counselor in the merit badge or badges you select.

Merit badge areas depend upon your interests and expertise, whether it is your occupation, hobby or general interest. You will be asked to fill out an application to become a Merit Badge Counselor. There is no monetary payment required and the MBC designation will be valid for one year. Parents should carefully consider which merit badges they would like to be counselors. This information will then be submitted to the advancement committee of the council for their approval. This will certify you as a MBC for these merit badges. I strongly urge you to consider volunteering to be a MBC, you may contact me or Al Aiken ( The scouts of Troop 20 thank you!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camp Ho Non Wah 2009

Twenty three scouts and five adult leaders from Troop 20 returned from Camp Ho Non Wah as a Honor Troop yesterday (Saturday, 20 June). Below is a mix of pictures from our busy week (14-20 June). You may access other photos from my Flickr account, please send me a request via email. Additionally Skip Sergent took quite a few pictures that I should post on Flickr in the near future. Thanks for your support in preparing your scouts for camp and helping to keep the homesick ones there for the full experience.

Folding the flag
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Will Todd, Joe McGregor, and Austin Ando learn to properly fold the national flag.

More flag folding
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Duncan McIver, Anthony Ando and Dylan Hudgins also learn to fold the flag.

HNW Prank
Originally uploaded by wwhills

On Friday morning the camp awoke to find all dining hall chairs stacked on the roof. A prank from Troop 26, Arden, NC. It was funny, but the camp staff were not pleased.

HNW Dining Hall
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Scouts eat breakfast standing up due to lack of chairs except one prepared T20 scout... David Gregorie (back to us) in tropical shirt sitting in chair next to Mr. Jack Cochran. Note Christian Sergent kneeling at the table, while Bryan Cole and James Lambert prefer to stand.

HNW staff...all T20 scouts past and present
(right to left)

Eagle Scout Rob Rivers, Life Scout David Gregorie and Life Scout Luke DesJardins

HNW Sailing
Originally uploaded by wwhills

David Hall and Waring Hills
(sitting on Sunfish) await
the capsize drill at HNW.

From left to right...Justin O'Grady, Dyer Askins and Will Smith prepare to shoot rifles at the HNW rifle range.

Joe McGregor and Austin Ando return (just barely) from the deep, pluff mud of the Bohicket Challenge...note Joe with one shoe...ask Skip Sergent for more details...I think the staff misread the tide timetables...badly...

Bohicket Challenge
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Friday, June 12, 2009

Camp Ho Non Wah - Boonesborough

Scouts we will be camping at Boone campsite at are a few images of our site...