Schaaf, Stas Watson, Vlad Watson and Sebastian Salas
On Friday, April 23, six scouts and three adults loaded the troop trailer and headed up the road to the Pineville area. The goal was to cycle 50 miles within eight hours as required by the Cycling merit badge pamphlet. The group established a camp site near mile marker 16 on the Lake Moultrie Passage of the Palmetto Trail. A seventh scout joined us later in the evening.
After a good night's sleep which was periodically broken by the songs of whippoorwill birds, the group had a hearty breakfast, checked their bikes and assembled day packs for the ride. Led by ASM Butch Hills, Mr. Lester Kitten and ASM John Watson, the group set out on its initial leg of 25 miles. We headed in an easterly direction on the dikes until we crossed the Rediversion Canal by using the Highway 45 overpass. We travelled in a southerly direction until reaching mile marker 4. Then we reversed course and followed our tracks back to mile marker 17 and then back to camp for lunch.The initial leg of 25 miles was completed in about 3 hours and fifteen minutes. The morning leg was done with cool temperatures and a mostly cloudy sky. Lunch consisted of sandwiches and cookies for everyone, with an additional course of ibuprofen or advil for the adults.
The afternoon leg was more tiring as we all anticipated. We deviated from the initial leg. This time, we headed in a westerly direction, past the Old Santee Canal to the vicinity of mile marker 20. Then we retraced our path back to marker 16 and continued as on the morning leg. Since we had already travelled about six miles, we would only have to reach the vicinity of marker 6 and then return to camp. Needless to say, the second leg was rough. However, nobody wanted to quit. When the going gets rough, the tough get going, if only slowly.
After our arrival in camp, a welcome sight appeared. It was like being in the desert and coming upon an oasis. ASMs Guy Ando and Steve Hudgins appeared on the scene, ready to cook dinner for us since we would be pretty exhausted. They made a homemade pasta dinner consisting of penne, sauce, meatballs, sausage and garlic bread. The sauce and meatballs were made from Mr. Ando's grandmother's recipe. The group devoured the meal, leaving very little in the way of left overs. After we bid the two cooks goodbye, everyone went to their tents around 7 pm. The whippoorwills did not have a lively audience this night.
We were awakened around 4 am Sunday morning with a sound and light show as a major storm was coming through the area. Then the rains started and kept coming down. The group decided that breakfast could wait. We broke camp in the pouring rain and headed back to the scout hut, where we unloaded the trailer and were dismissed.
This cycling trip proved to be more difficult than some of the backpacking trips. However, the scouts showed true determination and a great positive attitude. They and the adults had a memorable experience and I bet they would do it again.

Many thanks to ASM Hills for organizing the trip and to Mr Kitten for his leadership and assistance. Special thanks go out to ASMs Ando and Hudgins for that magnificent Italian dinner!
Many thanks and congratulations to the seven scouts who accomplished the 50 miles well within the timeframe.