Neither snow nor wind nor cold could stop the Troop 20 Scouts from their mission of hiking twenty miles in twenty-four hours over Sunday and Monday, February 14th and 15th. Following the troop's church service, the scouts started their hike at noon near mile marker 4 of the Lake Moultrie Passage of the Palmetto Trail. They were joined by Webelos from Pack 20 for the first eight miles. The scouts enjoyed the remnants of the weekend snow storm, tossing a few snow balls and receiving some in return. Accompanying the scouts were ASM John Warren, Mr. Marvin Jenkins and ASM John Watson.
During this phase of the hike, Scoutmaster Clinton Dunn, Mr. George Robinson and Life Scout Graham Lenes moved vehicles and equipment to the campsite near marker 16. They also set up as many tents as possible. Mr. Andy Groves arrived at the campsite with his tail-gating chef trailer.
After bidding the Webelos farewell at marker 12, our scouts continued their journey to marker 16 and the campsite. They completed the remaining set up of the campsite and were then treated to dinner prepared by Mr. Andy Groves. He made a delicious meal of scout favorites: hamburgers, hot dogs, corn dogs and fries. The food and cold weather had the desired effect and all scouts were soon asleep.
The next morning saw the scouts pack up and start the last portion of the journey. This part was more cumbersome due to the mud and portions of flooded trail. However, the scouts prevailed and completed the journey at marker 24 before noon. The scouts hiked twenty miles in twenty-four hours.
Congratulations to the scouts and adults who participated in this activity.