Sunday, November 15, 2009

Etiwan District Camporee Champions!!!

Troop 20 sent two top notch patrols to the Etiwan District camporee this weekend at Camp Ho Non Wah. They were enthusiastic and worked hard all weekend. They quickly showed their scout skills as we set up camp in a very quick fashion in the dark on Friday evening after our arrival at Matigwa campsite. The bad weather from last week had cleared during the day and the stars on Friday night were amazing. In the darker skies over Wadmalaw Island the Milky Way, Great Andromeda Galaxy and other star clusters were easily seen with bare eyes and we had a inpromtu astronomy class from 9:40 to 10:15 PM.

Our scouts were up before 7 AM on Saturday morning and ready for breakfast and competition to display their scout skills. Competition periods were from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM and from 1:30 PM to 4 PM and the events consisted of the following: Knot Tying Relay, Chariot Race (A-Frame),Tent Pitching, Search and Rescue (First Aid), Fire Building, Flag Pole Raising, Kim’s Game, Color Guard Competition, Dessert Contest, Camp Inspection, Scout Spirit,and Campfire Skits.

The below results show the results of that work:

Senior Patrol: Patrol Leader- James Lambert, members: Dyer Askins, Chris Camp, Cameron Epperson (acting Senior Patrol Leader), Tristan Lancaster, Stas and Vlad Watson.

1st in Chariot Race (A Frame)
1st in Tent Pitching
1st in Skit Competition

Junior Patrol: Patrol Leader- Austin Ando, members: Anthony Ando, Creed Branham, Reid Darby, Joe Dunn, Duncan McIver, Lars Nelson and Sebastian Salas.
1st in Color Guard
2nd in Skit Competition

Troop as a Unit:
1st in Camp Inspection
1st in Overall Camporee

Adult leaders attending were SM Hills (Friday-Sat. 11 AM), ASM Cochran, ASM Guy, ASM McIver and Mr. Salas...special thanks to ASM Cochran for being acting Scoutmaster as I returned to work on Saturday...

Congratulations to our scouts!!! All of the scoutmasters attending the camporee are very proud of their achievements. Both patrols did a great job and made the troop proud in displaying scout skills learned while at Troop 20, skills in knowledge and leadership!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Return from Table Rock and Fort Aiken

Congrats to all our wilderness survival scouts who had a great weekend learning about outdoor shelters, how to make a fire, food on the trail, hiking skills and how to read a compass and chart. On Sunday the scouts and leaders took a challenging hike up to the top of Table Rock mountain at 3124, above you can see the route and below the effects of the long climb. Austin Ando gets a special qualification for mountain climbing as he climbed up the steps cut for longer legs on the trail!

The older/Venture scouts adventure can be seen at the new Venture blog site...

Special thanks to Dr. Al Aiken, who welcomed the wilderness survival scouts at his mountain home and below are all our scouts and leaders in front of his house as they prepared to return to the Lowcountry on Monday afternoon.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fort Aiken and the Foothills Trail Trip, 23-25 October


Join the troop for an incredible fall camping experience in the South Carolina mountains...yes, we have a few small ones...The Frog, Snake and Lightning patrols will be working on their wilderness survival merit badges at Fort Aiken, while our older scouts (aka Venture) will be spending two adventure packed days and nights on the Foothill's Trail.

Our Fort Aiken scouts will be doing some hiking at Table Rock State Park (see image above), besides their wilderness survival training program.

The Venture patrol will camp the first night at Laurel Fork Falls (see image at right, click here for more images) and on Saturday night in Eastatoe Gorge. Sunday morning will see us hiking to the top of Sassafras Mountain (image below from SC's Highest) and then return to Fort Aiken. Hiking totals will be around 25.5 miles for the weekend.

Sign up begins next meeting and look for the information and permission forms soon...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rainy Weekend in NC

Friday began with a nasty downgrade in the weather forecast for our destination at Carolina Beach State Park, but temperatures remained high and the possibility of a great adventure awaiting Troop 20...onwards charged the 600...well, maybe only 35 of us...

After leaving Mount Pleasant, our good weather departed the pattern at the South Santee River as rain began to fall, and fall, and Myrtle Beach the light show began and the cloud to cloud discharges northward of us were most impressive and distressing...we began to wonder if this would be the camp setup that should never have been attempted...what would be the weather at our camp site in the maritime forest of North Carolina, in the dark and only a few of us knowing exactly how to get there...additionally the gate would be locked and only ASM's Ando and Miklancic would be inside the park with the troop would ferrying everyone from the gate to the campsite go? (Campsite is about one mile from the gate)

The Troop 20 guardian angel was looking over we reached Wilmington the rain began to slack and upon arrival at Carolina Beach State Park had ceased for the moment. We were able to get everyone into camp and setup began...ASM's Miklancic and Ando had already made a good start with their scouts in unloading and marking the trail to the campsite with lanterns. Around 11:30 bedtime operations began and everyone was settled by 12 midnight...could have been ugly, but scouts learn to make their own luck...

Saturday began with breakfast and cloudy skies...we departed for Fort Fisher at 0915 and upon arrival there the skies began to let down and increased in intensity...after the scouts completed work on their Fort Fisher Historic badge, it was decided to continue on to the NC Aquarium as heavy rain boded ill for lunch operations back at camp.

The newly reopened NC Aquarium at Ft. Fisher is a marvelous facility. Its new addition shows the black water swamp habitat in eastern NC (the Cape Fear river basin) and its albino alligator. Part of the new addition features a covey of quail roaming the enclosure, crossing in front of visitors and every once in a while...attempting to cross the albino gator far it is the White Gator 15, Quail 0...I don't think it is much of a covey now, I didn't see any, but a few of our sharp eyed scouts did...

The other deep water and coastal tanks were amazing and most of the troop watched a fascinating movie on sharks...Back to camp for a late lunch...the rain continues to fall...

After lunch, the rain entered the start and stop mode...We decided to change our schedule and departed for a wet and wetter hike to Sugar Loaf sand dune, the most famous and historic sand dune in North Carolina and possibly wettest. Most scouts and adults covered about 3.5 miles in the on and off rain, but a few truly dedicated, rough and tough scouts (Reid Darby, Sebastian Salas, Duncan McIver and a few others who escape my mind at the moment) completed 4.5 miles...

Back in the camp the rain became less and less, and finally stopped allowing for a drier dinner and a campfire program. Scout Ross Cary served as our Master of Ceremony and did a fabulous job as we were entertained by several patrols, including the adult patrol and the 2nd year Webelos patrol from Pack 505. Webelos Leader John Epperson led a contingent of 5 Webelos who joined us for the weekend.

After the campfire, dessert was served (apple and pineapple cobbler, yummm...) and the scouts played manhunt until bedtime, much earlier at 10 PM.

Rain again threatened at daybreak and many of the adults postponed leaving their tents until the rain made up its mind to cease and desist...After breakfast, pack up in the sunlight!!! and Scouts Own Service led by our chaplain's aide Graham Schertz (Well Done Graham!!!). Departed for home and the Fort Fisher to Southport ferry...see pictures below...Overall, the weather was challenging, but so is life and I believe many of our scouts (and some adults) learned a few valuable lessons this weekend...along with some fun!!! Thanks to all of our adults who made this trip (ASM's Clinton Dunn, Guy Ando, Dan Miklancic, John Warren, John Cameron and dad's Brad Rickenbaker, John Watkins and Edwin Todd).

Special thanks to Brad Rickenbaker for these pictures...

Yeah, the ferry is here!
Scoutmasters are pondering the imponderable! "To run...where the brave dare not go!"

Scouts pose for picture prior to ferry arrival..."When's lunch!!!"

Hey, is that a rain cloud ahead?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Beach Sweep 2009

Today from 11 am to 12:30 pm we had a very successful Beach Sweep and had a great contingent from Pack 20 join us today for hopefully not the first and last Troop 20/Pack 20 beach sweep effort. Over 30 scouts, scouters and parents showed up to pitch in...see my full pickup truck bed above. Below are pictures of our Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in action.

Scouts clear the beach with Charleston Harbor and Castle Pinckney in the background.

Scout Jack DeWolff has found some treasures in the marsh at Patriots Point!

Here are some Pack 20 scouts hard at work...

Every year I complain, but the scouts always leave crabs in the back of my truck! See the evidence below.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trip to Carolina Beach State Park


Get ready for an exciting weekend at Carolina Beach State Park. Go here to visit their web site.

Our campsite is nestled under the many long leaf pines present on an old dune line in the park. Many trails crisscross through the park and we will travel a few during the day and even a night hike is planned. There are lots of wildlife...alligators, deer, squirrel (gray and fox), raccoons, and turkeys.

On Saturday we will first visit the North Carolina Aquarium at Ft. Fisher (see web site here), one of the highlights is a rare albino alligator, Luna, seen below. Parts of the TV series, "Surface," was filmed here, and the main tank contains 235,000 gallons of sea water!!! As way of comparison, our South Carolina aquarium's great tank holds 15,000 gallons of sea water.

After lunch we'll head over to North Carolina State Historic Site, Fort Fisher (visit their well done site here) and relive the largest naval bombardment and amphibious assault of the Civil War on 18 January 1865, which closed the port of Wilmington and ultimately cut off the last line of supplies to Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Some of the troops who protected Fort Fisher were a troop of 800 teenagers (the 4th, 7th and 8th Battalion) in the North Carolina Junior Reserves, who actually camped very near where our campsite is located. Our campsite is just above and to the right of Sugar Loaf on the map below.

After dinner, we will take a short night hike using the troop's GPS receivers and then free time...

Sunday morning after breakfast the troop will hike to Sugar Loaf, which is the most historic sand dune in NC, even more so than the one at Kitty Hawk...

On our return Sunday we will ride the ferry boat from Fort Fisher to Southport and continue home...

Troop 20 had a great time on this trip 1.5 years ago, so don't miss out on this one...Sign up no later than 14 September...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Freestyle Music Park in Myrtle Beach!

Nine brave scouts braved the threatening weather and rode roller coasters for most of the day at Freestyle Music Park in Myrtle Beach. Notice the fun filled faces in the picture below as the scouts experience the biggest, fastest coaster at the park, the Time Machine (formerly known as the Led Zeppelin)...

Top Time Machine riders were David Hall, Michael Hall and Waring Hills who rode the TM an impressive 8 times with only a few side effects from heavy positive, zero and negative "G" forces upon their bodies.

In between killer rides, scouts had a showdown at the "Not" OK corral, where air compressed nerf balls smoked around the arena, SM Hills and Advancement coordinator Mr. Hall had a tough time dodging the multitude of pot shots taken at them. Notice the artillery piece below used in the unequal duel between scouts and scoutmasters...

A few of our scouts were so disoriented from the heavy dose of coasters, they ended up making a wrong turn and found themselves on Abbey Road..."Hey Jude, don't make it bad...and anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain..." My apologies to the Beatles...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

July Family Camp Out at Pisgah Forest!!!

Parents and Scouts,

Its time for Troop 20's Annual family camp out... lets head for the mountain's it's a lot cooler there.

The camp out will be held at Cove Creek campground in the Pisgah National Forest near Brevard, North Carolina July 17,18,19,(Friday to Sunday) It is about a 4 hour drive from Charleston. Assistant Scoutmaster Ando, Campmaster, will be leaving early on Friday. Families may travel at their leisure.

Family's will arrive Friday night set up and the Troop will provide dinner. Saturday, family time…choose any activities you desire… Sliding Rock is not far, DuPont State forest has some easy hiking and 5 or 6 beautiful water falls along the hike, There is fishing right in the park, And tubes can be rented near by from what Mr. Ando has heard, This is a beautiful area with plenty of activities. If anyone has any other activities they know of please feel free to contribute your Information to ASM Ando.

Also available to Scouts who choose to work on their Forester MB…ASM Ando has set up a 2 hour class at The Cradle of Forestry for them. Parents are welcome to join if they choose. This class will cover about 90% of what the boy's will need to complete Forester MB. Saturday night troop will provide dinner. Sunday morning clean up, then stay, play, or go away, it's up to you.

The cost of the camp out will depend on the # of people attending, we are planning on somewhere between $25 and $30 per person this will cover camp ground and Friday/Saturday night's dinner.

Sign begins Monday June 29 at the Scout Hut. Fee's will need to be paid NLT (no later than) Monday July 6th, We will send out an email with the cost after next Monday’s troop meeting. If you have further questions you may email ASM Ando at or call him at 270-9403.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Merit Badge Counselors Wanted!!!

Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) training will be held on 03 August at 7 PM. The course will be taught on the second floor of the Seabrook Building at Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church by longtime Troop 20 Scouter Dr. Al Aiken.Click here for all the details on MBCs...

Parents, this is an excellent way to become involved in the Boy Scout experience of the scouts of Troop 20. It offers them more experience with other adults besides their parents and troop leaders. Advancement beyond the rank of First Class depends heavily upon the completion of merit badge requirements. Upon completion of this course you will be certified as a counselor in the merit badge or badges you select.

Merit badge areas depend upon your interests and expertise, whether it is your occupation, hobby or general interest. You will be asked to fill out an application to become a Merit Badge Counselor. There is no monetary payment required and the MBC designation will be valid for one year. Parents should carefully consider which merit badges they would like to be counselors. This information will then be submitted to the advancement committee of the council for their approval. This will certify you as a MBC for these merit badges. I strongly urge you to consider volunteering to be a MBC, you may contact me or Al Aiken ( The scouts of Troop 20 thank you!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camp Ho Non Wah 2009

Twenty three scouts and five adult leaders from Troop 20 returned from Camp Ho Non Wah as a Honor Troop yesterday (Saturday, 20 June). Below is a mix of pictures from our busy week (14-20 June). You may access other photos from my Flickr account, please send me a request via email. Additionally Skip Sergent took quite a few pictures that I should post on Flickr in the near future. Thanks for your support in preparing your scouts for camp and helping to keep the homesick ones there for the full experience.

Folding the flag
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Will Todd, Joe McGregor, and Austin Ando learn to properly fold the national flag.

More flag folding
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Duncan McIver, Anthony Ando and Dylan Hudgins also learn to fold the flag.

HNW Prank
Originally uploaded by wwhills

On Friday morning the camp awoke to find all dining hall chairs stacked on the roof. A prank from Troop 26, Arden, NC. It was funny, but the camp staff were not pleased.

HNW Dining Hall
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Scouts eat breakfast standing up due to lack of chairs except one prepared T20 scout... David Gregorie (back to us) in tropical shirt sitting in chair next to Mr. Jack Cochran. Note Christian Sergent kneeling at the table, while Bryan Cole and James Lambert prefer to stand.

HNW staff...all T20 scouts past and present
(right to left)

Eagle Scout Rob Rivers, Life Scout David Gregorie and Life Scout Luke DesJardins

HNW Sailing
Originally uploaded by wwhills

David Hall and Waring Hills
(sitting on Sunfish) await
the capsize drill at HNW.

From left to right...Justin O'Grady, Dyer Askins and Will Smith prepare to shoot rifles at the HNW rifle range.

Joe McGregor and Austin Ando return (just barely) from the deep, pluff mud of the Bohicket Challenge...note Joe with one shoe...ask Skip Sergent for more details...I think the staff misread the tide timetables...badly...

Bohicket Challenge
Originally uploaded by wwhills

Friday, June 12, 2009

Camp Ho Non Wah - Boonesborough

Scouts we will be camping at Boone campsite at are a few images of our site...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Troop Elections 09 May 2009

Another close Troop 20 election, this time Star Scout Waring Hills came out on the long end (last election Zach Donaldson won at the wire) as he squeaked by Life Scout David Nicholson. It seems like our elections for Senior Patrol Leader are always closely contested between two experienced candidates. Now the new Senior Patrol Leader will sit down with the Scoutmaster to review leadership requests from scouts of 1st Class rank and above who are willing to serve on the Patrol Leaders Council (July to December 2009), results should be out in two weeks...any scout who missed turning in a request may still get one in to

Our patrols also elected new patrol leaders for service the last half of 2009. New Patrol Leaders are:
Frogs - Ross Cary
Gators - James Lambert
Scorpions - Stephen Mattox
Snakes - Austin Ando
Lightning - Lars Nelson
Eagles - TBA for ballot recount...I hope it doesn't go to the courts!

Congratulations to our new scout leaders! Remember, doing your best will help Troop 20 to be safe, fun and full of adventure and advancement for all scouts!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Night of the Whippoorwill and 50 miles along Lake Moultrie

Had an adventurous weekend biking on the Lake Moultrie passage of the Palmetto Trail. Unfortunately, Mr. Scholtens had a flat tire on the way to camp Friday, which made our evening a little interesting. Friday night was the night of the whippoorwill (and a few owls) and multiple scouts and some adults were ready to begin whippoorwill hunting...but it was a little dark. For the scouts who miss the sound, click this Whippoorwill sound.

Up bright and early Mr. Smith and Mr. Scholtens were into Moncks Corner to check on his van. After their return and breakfast the troop was ready to cycle. Here we see our scouts ready to accelerate down the dike.

We headed towards the Cross power station on our first leg and saw an otter, an alligator, large garter snake and several deer. I was glad we did this section first, because after we left the dike we travelled through a wet, woody area similar to the Swamp Fox trail we travelled on over 2.5 years ago. If the entire trail was like this, we wouldn't make 50 miles in our timeframe. Returning through the same terrain on the way back to our campsite, Mr. Scholtens took a hit in his rear tire and had to swap out inner tubes (flat tire #2!).

To the right at one of our rest and navigation stops, we asked our scout navigator where we were...his reply was "I have no idea, but we are making good time!" Our first leg netted 16.9 miles, we had 33.1 miles to go.

After a return to camp and lunch, we were ready to tackle the remaining miles in the warm sun, but on the dike and stops at water pumps every 8 miles. Alongside the dike for its entire length (except right on the lake south of Bonneau Beach) is a canal (where the material for building the dike came from). In the canal are beautiful water lillies and spatterdocks, along with a multitude of fish, alligators and turtles. Along the canal in the air were many osprey and great blue herons and on the dike multiple snakes and a few turtle bones...I saw a beautiful Eastern Racer and an Eastern Rat snake as he ran in front of me...I ran over him, but he never slowed down.

I'm very proud of our scouts as they never slowed down on this longest section until near the very end. Below are pictures of us at our southern most point on the dam south of Bonneau Beach, the next is our final dike mileage before camp and last, but not least all of us back in camp...glad not to be on our bikes and ready for a great meal prepared by Mr. Brooks and Eagle scout James Brooks! The scouts slept sounder on Saturday night (all in tents by 8:40 PM), more owls and the same whippoorwills...

Many thanks to our cooks and to ASM Brian "Flats" Scholtens (New callsign as his second bike tire and third overall for the weekend went flat upon entering camp!!!) for doing such a great job in planning, selecting the trail and leading our scouts on one of the most difficult physical challenges a scout or scoutmaster will meet in his scouting career...See all our picture on my Flickr site, if you need help viewing it...let me know...